I preached at Paulding Baptist Church in Hiram, GA this time last year.  It was tough to say the least.  Great people, little vision, and a lot of hope.  This is a church that had seen some great days in the past, but were probably on their way to non-existence.  The building itself was dilapidated and outdated.  It didn’t fit it’s community in any way, shape, or form.  Steve Flockhart arrived on the scene after experiencing some of the toughest and most challenging months of his life.  His story is worth knowing and very inspiring!

Steve came as pastor almost a year ago and began to invest his time and energy, and calling into about 30 people.  It is now The New Season Church.  He is a master at visioncasting; he cast it!  He is a master at charisma; he led them!  He is a master at loving people; he did it and connected.  They prayed, they believed, and God’s people followed.  He led them to literally shut down the church for several months so they could all catch their breath and allow the remnants of any flesh to die on out. It would basically be a church re-plant and re-start. 

In the meantime, they remodeled, raised funding, refinanced, and the word began to get out.  I had the privilege to preach again this past Sunday at the New Season Church, and they had 382 people in attendance.  Wow!  They are mass marketing to 75,000 homes this week to promote a series on the storms of life and they expect a record attendance next Sunday.  Momentum is at an all time high and spirits are amazing!  Tons of people have given their lives to Christ and the journey continues. 

This is a story of a man and a church body that God in His sovereignty connected together “for such a time as this.”  God restored hope, love, joy, and passion in the life of both.  Here’s the lesson: Don’t ever, ever give up!  Never quit!  God has ways!

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