Many times, believers do not understand what it means for their personal lives and the Kingdom, for them to adopt a generous giving spirit in their lives, financially.  What we’re really saying is, start giving a % of your income to your local church!  Watch what happens!  It’s required by God for blessing in Malachi 3.  If you were to ask me how you should start the journey of pleasing God and what you should do first, this would be really high on the list of one of the things you need to begin doing immediately to find yourself in obedience. I learned this principle when I was a teenager and my life has been blessed!  Yours can be too!  Start today, especially our crew at Origin Church;  it will take us all to make our launch happen!  Enjoy a few great pieces on this subject.

Read #1

Read #2

Videos    (Go here on youtube and watch/listen to Andy Stanley’s 6 part series on this subject; you can find parts 2-6 down on the right-hand column under related videos; it will change your life!)

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