- Pray for us as we need to kick into a second round of fundraising for our church launch. We need to see some large dollars start coming in for start-up costs. My financial priorities are 1) Making sure my family is taken care of; 2) Making sure Origin is started with excellence; 3) Making sure I give the right help and guidance to our prospective staff. Being a part of our team consists of being able to raise your own funding/income for an indefinite period of time. We are all committed to raising our own support until the church is financially capable of providing an income for us of which we know not the time or the hour.
- Pray that our staff team would come together.
- Pray for all the purchasing and calendar details.
- Pray that God will continue to add to our launch team. He is already being faithful.
- Pray that our partnerships would begin to define themselves more concretely and that more people and churches would come on board.
- Pray we continue to keep the vision strong for the 80% of people that don’t go to church and who don’t like church- That is the only reason we are launching- to impact this percentage of people.
- Pray for our current launch team of people; they are fabulous and gifted people who are as excited as I am.
- Pray for our launch team meeting next week. We always look forward to sharing the vision and connecting with new people who might have an interest in being a part of helping us launch Origin Church. There are tons of great people out there that are out of church or who have never been in church. Our same God desires a relationship with them just like He does us.