Fear is a shorter word than FAITH, however, we fear fear much stronger than we embrace FAITH.  Case in point:  We are launching a new church the Sunday before Easter, April 5.  Our intent is to have the momentum of a launch followed by the natural momentum of Easter.  Here’s where fear kicks in; summer is just a month away from April.  Oh no, then what happens for a newly launched church through those months……….then, fear gets really going; “We shouldn’t launch, we don’t have enough funding, we have too few people, we’re not ready, etc.etc.etc.”  That same emotion radiates when you consider marriage or having your first child.  Same thing!  What do you do?  Well, for us, God is helping us realize that it doesn’t have to be perfect and never will be.  We would have been in preparation for 20 months when we launch in April.  

We’ve prayed, loved people, placed ourselves under good coaches, assembled a launch team (would love for it to be bigger), networked, sowed into our community (and we’re just getting started), and, with all of that, there is still fear.  It can be paralyzing…..in this case, we have talked to God, asked His opinion, and our sense is, we must press on, move forward, and begin in April.  Life-change is in the balance.  You know what the real stem of this fear normally is:  Fear of failure, not enough show up, we can’t pull it off, etc. etc. etc.  But, our God asks us to do a simple act: Obey!  That, we will, have been, and plan on continuing to do, regardless of any outcome!  Now, that, is the way to live!  BTW: I’m speaking to me!

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