Church giving and support should never go down, only up, regardless of the economy!  I am aware that it often does slip during economies like we’re experiencing, but we should actually step up and give more.  If we could learn the value of Malachi 3 where God said to “test him” in giving and see what happens.  Read it in every version and see what I’m talking about.  My challenge to you is out of every $10 bill you earn, give God $1 and see what happens.  You’ll never believe the blessing of God!  As years go by, add a dollar to God, and really see what happens!  At the end of this life, all the money you’ve handled and has gone through your hands, will not matter, EXCEPT, for that in which you invested that will outlive you (i.e. God’s work).  You’ll never outgive God and you always reap what you sow.  In fact, you can’t reap if you don’t sow.

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