The thing I love about church planting is that it is Kingdom work right out of the chute. Why else would you start a church, except for the call, of course, but everything you do impacts and reduces lostness. One of the ways to change a city is to serve it and other churches. Jesus represented and modeled this concept very well. No need to be apprehensive to partner with other kingdom activities…No need to be jealous of another new church right beside you in town…No need to be concerned that your church didn’t get the gig…No need to be concerned! Reason: In the greatest of cities with the greatest of new church plants, from 1991-2004, the unchurched population grew from 39 million to 79 million people- Imagine that, with all the kickin’ stuff all these great churches have going on! We need everybody!!!!! Remember, the average county in America has 80% of its population who attend no one’s church on a given Sunday. Hello!
We are excited at Origin Church to have as one of our core values, Irresistible Service. We are partnering on mission with an event called The Gathering by supplying them paints and paint brushes for the big event next week- this is an event where children and students come together from Dalton, Ringgold, and Chattanooga, for a night of worship. They promote unity to be a generation united for Christ. Good job Derek and Dillon!
It’s funny you mention this. The church should function, new or old, like you are describing.
I’ve been studying Jesus words to the seven churches in Revelation. To the church at Ephesus he said, “You have forsaken your first love.” I’ve heard so many people speculate on what that means. As I look at the church down through the ages, I believe I know exactly what he meant. They had become an organization instead of an organism.
Jesus intended the church to be a living, breathing, functioning reality. Out of that life force, ministry is to flow naturally, not forced. It’s just our additions and traditions that short circuit His plan.
You guys have an exciting work going on. I enjoy reading about it.