To the Unchurched                           To the Churched

  1. 1 Point/1 Theme                          Multiple Points/1 Theme
  2. Simple Information                      Complex Information
  3. More Application                          Less Application
  4. Inspiration                                   Inspiration
  5. Language Less Churchy              Language More Churchy
  6. 25-30 min.                                   45-50 min.
  7. Detailed Illustrations                   Detailed Illustrations
  8. Use your Style and DNA               Use Your Style & DNA
  9. Less is More                                More is More
  10. Student of Technique                  Go With the Flow
  11. Strategically Evaluate                  Not much Evaluation

The laboratory of effective preaching/teaching is something that continues to be more of an art than a science.  I’m intrigued with it and always have been.  The Puritans called it the “mystery of preaching.”  The above list are characteristics I’ve observed over 30 years.  To me, the key to effectiveness is defined by what we call our “win” in our distinct ministries.  If our “win” is to simply take care of the reached, the elements of the message are one way.  If our “win” is to consistently connect to a group of disconnected and far from God people, the elements of our message become a little different.  The one common scarlet thread among both is God’s Word stays the same.  Now, one of the caveats I’d like to mention is, if you are a fairly typical speaker, you, indeed, will always want to speak 25 minutes or less.  However, if you have a little extra charisma, passion, energy, study all types of communicators from the “old school” to the “new school,” understand the communicators’ tools like the pause, eye contact, and voice inflection, then you will be safe delivering at a lengthier distance simply because you keep the listeners’ attention. 

This is not a critical word but an observance.  I’ve heard less effective deliverers that had tons of rich content that truly fed me, and I’ve also heard more charisma-gifted deliverers that had leaner content that did not feed me as much.  We must work hard at studying effective means of communication our entire ministries, and never be content with what we can do more by memory than through fresh creativity.  I love reaching the unreached!  There is nothing in the world like it.  Then, we teach them to feed themselves.

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