Death is a funny thing.  To our family, that know Christ, we often mention it and the fact that no one who loves and lives for Christ is upset with the thought of dying.  In other words, it has a very positive outcome and resemblance to us in the Craven home and extended family.  However, in thinking about it, as you look around at family, we all KNOW that it is inevitable one day for ALL of us, but nobody really talks about it and there is no real need to.  I guess my wonder, sometimes is, how do each of us feel deep down inside? If we knew we were dying soon, how would our demeanor change?  How would we act and react? Would any one of us be scared?  Would we be able to live with passion in the time we had left?  Or, would we just shut down, be totally torn apart and dysfunctional?  One thing about family is, you don’t want any of them to hurt.

And so, it is nice to know that family might feel and say something like this, before and after: “Don’t ever wonder how I feel.  I am about to soon go on to my eternal home.  I will miss you all, but this is the next step, the next stop, and the destination we’ve all been looking forward to. It’s why we’ve lived our lives for something bigger than ourselves.  I will miss making new memories with you all, but with every fiber of my being, I have loved the ones we’ve made, the fun times, the big family gatherings, the laughs, and the joys of living life with you, but I’m fine…I’m ok…I’m just taking an early flight…you are coming later and I’ll see you there.  I’ll still be with you in spirit everytime you get together and everyday of your life.  I know you will always be thinking of me too.  So, that’s a win for all of us.  If there is any regret at all, it will be that we can’t talk verbally like we always have, but, that, too, is for a short season.  As you continue to talk to God everyday, He’ll give me the message, and I will SEE you soon. Bring as many people as you can with you…it’s unbelievable here.”

For those closest to me, I don’t like to think about it, but it is REAL…it lies dormant today, but comes alive one day.  I encourage all of us to prepare our minds today.  It will make the journey much easier.

“Not yet, Lord, too much to do for you here.  We continue to work hard for you.  Lots of people to reach; give us some more time.   We are loading up as many as we can!  Love you!”

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