- When you have momentum, you are better than you are. The thing I’ve discovered about momentum is that it is very important to get some in every area of your life. Momentum is not a random occurrence. It must be created. You must pour yourself into your calling. You must pour yourself into your craft.
- Momentum Theorem: Focused intensity over time multiplied by God creates unstoppable momentum.
- Intensity matters. Ecclesiastes 9:10 says, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.” If you are going to be an intense sports fan and take your shirt off and paint yourself blue, live your life with that same intensity. Be intense at parenting. Be intense about your calling. Intensity moves things. You’ve got to be fired up. You can’t do it with lack of focus because your intensity will be too spread out.
- Focused intensity is good, but if it only lasts for three days, it is not going to amount to anything. This is the hardest part of the equation. Og Mandino says, “If I persist long enough, I will win.” As Paul talks about – run your race well. It is a long race… over time. Don’t quit. Stay on course. Keep moving. Be the focused, intense tortoise and not the ADHD hare.
- If you are quickly successful be very, very scared because you may not have the proper foundation underneath it.
- But even still, you need God. When you multiply your focused intensity over time by God then God gives you the energy and ability needed to win. Get plugged in to God as your power source and your momentum will become unstoppable.