Wow, it’s almost here, the launch of Origin Church. If you will, take a look at the following list of things we need to create a pretty awesome environment for children and adults on launch day……………..if you can help or know someone who might donate some of the items below, we would be grateful!!! We must move quickly! We realize this does not guarantee any growth to a church or demonstrate success, however, we would love to be able to launch Origin Church first-class and with excellence. If not, we press on!
Sound & Lighting (company to set up and produce) $2,000
Printing $1,200
Road Signs (100) $395
Balloons (1500 for Children’s Easter Egg Drop) $800
Easter Egg Drop for Entire City of Ringgold $3,000
Origin T-Shirts $650
Propresenter Media Software $300
Food for Volunteers $300
Pipe and Drape $800
Lanyards $200
Email Blast for Marketing $595
Direct Mail (70,000 pieces) $6,900
U-Haul Truck $4,000
Hazer Machine $200
2 Flat Screen Monitors for Stage $300
In-ear monitor system $900
10 LED lights for staging $2,000
Drum Risers $800
Photographer for Launch Day
Videographer for Launch Day
2 Way Radios $1,150
Dimmer Pack for Par Cans $200
(2) Table Skirts $150
Coffee Carafes $300
Signage $1,800
Portable Children’s Ministry $5,200
Plexiglass Drum Shield $450
(20) Plastic Storage Containers $300
Connection Power Software $300
Total $35,190
If you would like to send any of the above items, please email us for physical address at Thank you in advance! You can also give online right here!!