Church planting is a great evangelism strategy! It has really taken on a world and personality of its own over the last eight years. There is a huge fraternity of brotherhood and kingdom-mindedness unlike what you see, oftentimes, in the established church. The difference: When an established church hears you are planting in the same town or near, they often are upset. When a church plant in the same area hears that you are planting in the same town or near, they are elated, welcoming, supportive, and helpful. It is an amazing round of real Christianity, for a change! I’ve experienced this first hand with my new friend, Matt Evans. Matt is the lead pastor of one of the most dynamic churches in America, the Rockbridge Community Church in Dalton, Georgia. A special thanks to all you kingdom-minded pastors out there who get excited about new, innovative, and like-minded churches coming to town to partner, help, and co-labor in some way. We’re all in this thing together to reduce the percentage of unchurched people. There’s plent of work to be done for all of us.