Loved Ben Arment and Gary Lamb’s comments yesterday regarding planting a church. You must read! I’ll give you something else along that line. I heard Mark Driscoll say, “What I do in Seattle would not work in Dallas because I don’t have any history with anybody in Dallas. I believe you have to have some history with the people you are trying to reach.” A light came on that day for me.
I picked my place to plant back in 2000 and it didn’t work. What Gary said about “thinking you fit a place” vs. “being in the place you actually fit” is a tough reality. We’ve all been there.
One last thought about successful planting in my mind: You must decide mentally before you go: That you are there for life, you will work a bi-vocational position somewhere else if need be, no obstacle is going to take you down, and change your definition of success. Success is determined by a larger than life creator! Develop the “who” in you and He will develop the “what.” Life, church planting, and productive work takes simple moxie and tough-minded hutzpah. Let’s go get it done!