They’re Not Friends

I was in the corporate world before ministry and noticed that friends were not really friends.  They were work associates, only. They only needed you today because they needed to advance their salaries or their careers.  It’s the same thing in ministry.  I have...

Be the Body!

We conclude a great series this Sunday with the message, “Be the Body.” We’ve moved from transaparency/authenticity to there are no perfect people to change, and now, BE THE BODY!  It works!  Bring your friend, your spouse, your co-workers, or a...

Happy Birthday Melonie!

Sweet 16 is hard to believe!  “No, you can’t drive or date!” 🙂  Our oldest daughter….I love you!  I remember when…… Below:  6 years to 16 years…wow!

Hurt & Pain

A lot of that going on in this economy, but remember, your lack of dollars does not define “who” you are as Jesus Christ sees you.   That is one compartment in life.  There are many others that you are “rich” in.  Praise...

Do Numbers Matter?

The conflicted emotion in us is always there, and we wrestle with the question, “Do numbers matter?” Here is why numbers don’t matter: They don’t signify life change. We didn’t start this church so Christians could...

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