Rick Warren Prescription

Every time a new reformation has come, five renewals have preceded it. The awakening and reformation of the global church will begin with churches like yours. The same five renewals will precede this movement in your church. 1. Personal Renewal: It starts with the...

From J-103’s Ted Gocke

“Everyone at the Origin Rocks!  Thank you so much for serving and helping make JFest 2009 a huge success!  We couldn’t do it without our army of volunteers.  Lives were changed for eternity because of all your efforts and...

Origin This Weekend

Calling ALL “Origin-als.”  We meet at the Depot this Sunday, 10:30, and we launch a new series called “Core.”  It’s about who we are deep dow “in-here.”  Invite anyone you know who might be out of church, doesn’t pay...

Graduation Weekend

Well, here it is…graduation for our oldest, Jordan.  Tomorrow at 10:00 a.m., he becomes a high school graduate.  He graduates in the top 4 of his class with high honors, scholarships, and early acceptance into one of the great universities on the planet, The...

Service For Irresistibleness

Irresistible service to a community is a huge core value for Origin Church…..if you haven’t “gotten this” yet, you’ve got to dig in to this concept and understand why it’s not just something we put on the calendar.  Because of...

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