Life SUX

I love that Rascal Flatts song, “Life is a Highway.”  No doubt about it; it takes some twists and turns.  Some we can seemingly control, others we have no clue.  Overall, we really have NO control, IF, we believe God has the whole world in His hands....

Tim Tebow

Steve Spurrier was just quoted as saying, “Tim Tebow is the best quarterback in SEC history.” I remember when Tim rolled into town; four years ago.  It seems like yesterday.  Now, you’re talking to a family who, while living in Gainesville, rode...

These are some great thoughts from CEO, Brian Audia: It’s not, do you believe like I believe, but do you care about what I care about? Is God’s will being done because we exist here? We often call a church plant successful, if it keeps it’s doors...

John Cross

John Cross and I go back to 1992;  we basically started pastoring about the same time.  Johnny Hunt told me one day, “I’ve got a young pastor in Florida you need to meet.  You guys are a lot alike.”  It began a long friendship.  We’ve travelled...

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