Nothin’ Better than UGA Tailgaitin’

Come fall of every year, the Southern tradition of grilling out, hanging out, and going on out to the old ballgame comes around.  Lots of great memories at our old school, UGA!  Come on over to Athens this weekend and enjoy some good downhome tailgaitin’ with...

Externally Focused

The thing I love about church planting is that it is Kingdom work right out of the chute.  Why else would you start a church, except for the call, of course, but everything you do impacts and reduces lostness.  One of the ways to change a city is to serve it and other...

Coming Off Two Great Days!

The Whiteboard Sessions Conference in Virginia was out of this world!  There is a whole new world of great leaders and church planters out there that are completely sold out to Kingdom work.  I’ve got to tell you, it is absolutely refreshing!  God is doing a new...

Speaking This Week

I set out on a very enjoyable driving journey to go to South Carolina yesterday (Saturday).  I speak in 5 different services this week at Westside Church with Pastor Scott Mackey.  Scott is leading his people in a unique and creative way.  The energy in this church is...

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