Happy Father’s Day

A lot of love out to my dad, Dr. Bob Craven and Kim’s dad, Jody Ridley here on Father’s Day!  I love you dad and love you Jody!  My dad has been the real deal dad to me!  Without doubt, he’s exempified what it means to prioritize Jesus Christ, keep...

Some Great People: Church at Catoosa

Kim, Jordan, and I got to hang out with a fairly new church plant in Ringgold, GA last weekend.  It was my privilege to be able to speak into their church body.  We got to see a portable church of close to eight years old in action that have a real heart for unreached...

Johnny Hunt Tribute

I’ve followed JH around the country since 1988, when I first got to know him.  I had graduated from UGA and my mom told me I needed to go try FB Woodstock and I did.  Wow!  I had found my place.  Kim and I were affected greatly from day one.  She even quit her...

Tragedy in the Music World!

Legendary singer/songwriter, Dottie Rambo, was killed early Sunday morning in a bus accident near Missouri.  I loved her songs.  She will be missed!  She wrote some of the greats: Tears Will Never Stain the Streets of that City We Shall Behold Him Too Much To Gain to...

Happy Birthday Kim!

There’s not a finer creation than my wife of almost 20 years, Kim.  She’s one of a kind and a fabulous mother to our kids!  She brings a comfort and solidarity to our lives as a family that is unmistakable.  She’s solid as a rock.  She has the most...

Happy Birthday Melonie!

Happy 15th birthday to my middle baby girl, Melonie, today! She’s smart, sharp, beautiful, can sing, and has amazing standards.  I am proud of her, to say the least!  Melonie, you’ve made momma and me really proud!  She actually thinks I’m going to...

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