Old Friends

I have had the best time reconnecting with a great leader, friend, and Christian from high school, Russ West.  Meet Russ, Danielle, and Chandler West.  Russ and I go way back to Roswell High School.  God is mightily using this family in the life of Origin Church as it...

Congratulations; UGA Bound!

Our oldest son, Jordan, got the big and great news tonight that he was accepted into The University of Georgia for next fall!!!!  Yeah boy for Jordie!  This has been a dream of his a long time.  Kim and I dressed him up when he was a baby in UGA clothes to watch the...

A Little Football Saturday

I never do this, but I thought I would comment on ALL the games today; the normal rivals.   Florida/Florida State- Love Bobby Bowden.  He needs the win so late in his career.  “Them gators need to go down.” Georgia/Georgia Tech- As always, pulling for...

My Friend Dale

Dale Griffith was 26 years my senior, but a dear friend of mine.  Dale and I had an immediate kinship and did ministry together for a lot of years, trying to help people see that Jesus Christ could change their lives. Dale consulted for us at Mount Rachel Baptist...

Dave Foster in Nashville

Dave Foster pastors The Gathering in Franklin, TN.  While at Catalyst this year, Kim and I ran into he and his wife and had a conversation.  I have known him from the distance through the years.  It was my privilege to visit with Dave this week and, my, what a guy!...

Dr. Jerry Falwell

I always treasured being able to call Dr. Falwell a friend.  I often ran into he and Duke Westover at various events around the country and I would always, out of courtesy, re-introduce myself to Dr. Falwell.  His response was always, “I know who you...

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