God’s Plan B?

Romans 12:2 “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of our mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”                                     A= Perfect Will of God                        ...

They’re Not Friends

I was in the corporate world before ministry and noticed that friends were not really friends.  They were work associates, only. They only needed you today because they needed to advance their salaries or their careers.  It’s the same thing in ministry.  I have...

In the Mind

Most of our excuses lie within our mind and lack of discipline, thereof.  Most people never want to uncover their main problem:  laziness!

Sunday Thoughts

Thankfully, our team of volunteers got started early enough, unloading, that we missed the downpour.  It poured throughout the service, but stopped for us to load again.  Appreciate the nod, Lord! Had fun with a guest on stage, Alex Davis.  Alex and I dialogued his...

People Watching

My daughter Abigail and I have this love….watching people, just about everywhere we go.  We notice every detail, every action, and we can size up a room full of people within a short time.  Wikipedia says:  People watching or Crowd watching is the act of...

Volunteer Right Now!

The best we could hope for as children of God, is at the end, we could say, “We are spent and we spent every talent and gift we had, for Jesus!”  Hey, that’ll help re-define how many excuses we all make in serving God, especially in church planting....

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