Death Details

Death is a funny thing.  To our family, that know Christ, we often mention it and the fact that no one who loves and lives for Christ is upset with the thought of dying.  In other words, it has a very positive outcome and resemblance to us in the Craven home and...

Everybody Has Something

It really gets comical to read twitters, blog posts, articles, and books of people who give off the scent that they have it all together, knowing down inside, they don’t.  As much as I love all of the above, very few are transparent, real, and authentic with...

Summer Emotions

They can be very deceiving!  People are traveling, you feel left out, you feel tired, it’s hot, sluggish, quiet, fun, etc. and often, depression can set in.  Reason being, it’s a slow-down time of the year.  It’s ok.  Travel, sleep, rest, utilize...


It’s always been interesting to me how God moves His people around the world on His chessboard.  Some live in a place serving Him for 30 years, some 5, some 1, and some 6 months.  Moving trucks always represent opportunity to me.  I see them on the highway of...

Monday Blahs and Blessings

With the buildup of a great first day of the week, Sundays, Mondays can be funny…….there’s a built-in blah that somehow goes alongside the spiritual high that developed the day before.  Mondays can be that way for some reason.  All over the world on...


Robert Morris’ The Blessed Life……………….. When you think about your situation in life… Pride says, “I deserve more!” Poverty says, “I should feel guilty.” Gratitude says, “Thank you!”...

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