So Far So Good On Tornado Relief

Brenda is a lady that lives alone and got in touch with us through our “base” in downtown Ringgold and needed multiple trees cut up in her yard.  They were large and all over each other and she had never been involved in any disaster like this.  As you can...

ALL Pastor’s and Staff

COAD (Community Organizations Acting in Disaster) The COAD forming is a group that will work to accomplish and fund a coordinated, long-term, recovery and rebuilding effort. The COAD is about Cooperation, Communication, Coordination and Collaboration. All local area...

Homeless Service Project

Don’t forget tomorrow at 8:00 a.m., Miller Park, downtown Chattanooga, we serve breakfast to the homeless.  Take the MLK exit off of Hwy. 27.  Go right a couple of blocks.  Miller Park is on your right.  Bring a couple of gallons of orange juice.  It’ll be...

Feed the Homeless

ORIGINals, please mark your card for Saturday morning, July 25, 8:00-9:30 a.m. downtown Chattanooga at Miller Park (see map below)!  Another great morning of serving breakfast to the homeless!  Everybody bring 2 gallons of orange juice.  God loves this stuff!  We are...

Service Project Feed the Homeless

  It was the Origin Church privilege to join two other church plants, The Net and The Springs, to meet in downtown Chattanooga last Saturday for a momentus time of loving people.  Over 40 volunteers and 100+ served……..”when you’ve done it unto...

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