by Shane Craven | Sep 17, 2009 | Quotes
“You are not paid to work hard. . . You are paid for results. It’s not what you do; it’s what you get done.” –Larry Winget
by Shane Craven | Sep 17, 2009 | Quotes
“I’d rather be a failure at something I enjoy than a success at something I hate.” – George Burns
by Shane Craven | Aug 31, 2009 | Quotes, Uncategorized
Avg. church= Only 10% of members serve in ministry. 50% won’t, but 40% say “I’ve never been asked or don’t know how.” Go after them- ORIGIN, LET’S CHANGE THIS! When “the brook dries up” (1Kings17:2-9) it’s not...
by Shane Craven | Jun 3, 2009 | Quotes
The devil can’t get some of us to do bad in the flesh, but he can get you to do good in the flesh.
by Shane Craven | Feb 24, 2009 | Quotes
Culture change starts with 3 people! Look at Google. A small group can maintain the suspension of impossibility. Then, they draw in 12, which brings depth and new resources. Then, up to 120 where they all care about the vision. They love, “getting it...
by Shane Craven | Jan 1, 2009 | Quotes
Winston Churchill once said, “Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.” In church planting and life itself, failure exists as the norm. How we react is crucial! If you don’t have any failures, those around you should be...