Dave Ramsey Catalyst 2009

When you have momentum, you are better than you are. The thing I’ve discovered about momentum is that it is very important to get some in every area of your life. Momentum is not a random occurrence. It must be created. You must pour yourself into your calling. You...

Chuck Swindoll Catalyst 2009

When God wants to do an impossible task, he takes an impossible person and crushes him. It is dangerous to succeed while being young. Rarely, does God give leadership that young because it takes crushing and failure first. It’s hardest at home. Nobody at home is...

Louis Giglio Catalyst 2009

We have to rise up out of “we don’t have enough money to do that” and “that would be crazy to do that.” We must not be afraid. Jesus is the head and not you. And Jesus is unstoppable. When the world says, “I found God on your face,” that is...

Andy Stanley- Catalyst 2009

Most leaders won’t realize the significance of their mark until long after it has been left. God is not someone who has been invited to play a part on my story. Instead, as a leader I have been privileged to play a part in His. Am I willing to submit my leadership...

Shaun King Quote

The promises that God made to you & whispered in your soul many years ago are still real. Life has been hard but God wants U to revisit them. – Shaun King

Rick Warren

Love this quote: “My vow since 17- be liberal in praising others; conservative in judging others; moderate in accepting honor; RADICAL in loving Jesus!”  -Rick Warren

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