by Shane Craven | Oct 30, 2009 | Quotes
1. The Seduction of Influence It’s tempting to do it for all the wrong reasons. In our lives, there may be a tearing away of the seductions and a refining of the right reasons. Word 1: Ego. We’ve brought the celebrity culture into our church and overlook...
by Shane Craven | Oct 28, 2009 | Quotes
The Missional Church is: The people of God, We’ve been brought up in a world where church is a what, an it, something outside of me, something I go to, something I support, something I bring friends to. But the missional movement is about who. Until we get this,...
by Shane Craven | Oct 23, 2009 | Quotes
Forgetting the mission. Our motivations can naturally be mixed. We often focus on our own agenda rather than God’s agenda. You should want to plant a great church because of who God is rather than to prove something about yourself to others. God intervenes when we...
by Shane Craven | Oct 22, 2009 | Quotes
You are a living Eucharist. How can we break ourselves open and pour ourselves out, so that the people around us might experience God? The Eucharist is a sacred and holy thing. You surrender your agenda when you serve. But when you exploit the Eucharist and break it...
by Shane Craven | Oct 20, 2009 | Quotes
Priscilla Shirer When God interrupts our life and intervenes and gives us a specific direction, will we go? Matt Chandler There are a lot of things going on in your churches. Some of you are in good places. Some of you are in bad places. Remind yourself what you have...
by Shane Craven | Oct 17, 2009 | Quotes
Love enemies, visit prisons, sacrifice income, help orphans & widows, witness to all, lay down your life DAILY. Then, we’ll listen. – Rick Warren We overestimate what we can do in 2 years and we underestimate what we can do in 10 years. – Bill Gates...