Nancy Ortberg Catalyst 2009

1. The Seduction of Influence It’s tempting to do it for all the wrong reasons. In our lives, there may be a tearing away of the seductions and a refining of the right reasons. Word 1: Ego. We’ve brought the celebrity culture into our church and overlook...

Reggie McNeil Catalyst 2009

The Missional Church is: The people of God, We’ve been brought up in a world where church is a what, an it, something outside of me, something I go to, something I support, something I bring friends to. But the missional movement is about who. Until we get this,...

Ed Stetzer Catalyst 2009

Forgetting the mission. Our motivations can naturally be mixed. We often focus on our own agenda rather than God’s agenda. You should want to plant a great church because of who God is rather than to prove something about yourself to others. God intervenes when we...

Rob Bell Catalyst 2009

You are a living Eucharist. How can we break ourselves open and pour ourselves out, so that the people around us might experience God? The Eucharist is a sacred and holy thing. You surrender your agenda when you serve. But when you exploit the Eucharist and break it...

More Catalyst 2009

Priscilla Shirer When God interrupts our life and intervenes and gives us a specific direction, will we go? Matt Chandler There are a lot of things going on in your churches. Some of you are in good places. Some of you are in bad places. Remind yourself what you have...

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Love enemies, visit prisons, sacrifice income, help orphans & widows, witness to all, lay down your life DAILY.  Then, we’ll listen. – Rick Warren We overestimate what we can do in 2 years and we underestimate what we can do in 10 years. – Bill Gates...

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