Carlos Whittaker

On moving to Chicago to BE a part of the new church plant…….Soul City Church…. -But I’m just following the story that God has placed in my heart to lead my family with. -I feel like this is the community where the next stage of growth in my family’s...

How Do You Last In Ministry?

How Do You Last In Ministry? By Rick Warren Ministry is a marathon: it’s not how you start in ministry; it’s how you finish. If you look at 2 Corinthians 4:1-18, Paul gives seven suggestions for finishing the race: (v. 1) Remember God’s mercy: God has given us...

Choosing a Successor

Peter Drucker, my mentor, said you should never choose your successor. I believe that because typically what you’ll do is you’ll choose a person like yourself, and what the organization usually needs is the exact opposite of what you were, at that point....

David Foster

Today is another gift. I have only 4 to-dos; know God, love God, love what God loves, and do what God is blessing! let’s roll!!!  – David Foster

Jay Leno Quote

Jay on his new show: “I get a certain amount of satisfaction from pounding my head against the wall,” he said. “I’m not having a bad time at 10 o’clock now. I look at this as a job, and now I’m faced with a challenge, and it’s a challenge I find difficult but...

Alan Hirsch Catalyst 2009

Journeys of adventure can change you significantly. If you create a community that avoids all risk, the people are stifled. C.S. Lewis says, “Women are face-to-face creatures, and men are side-by-side creatures.” Take some journeys. You can change the...

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