Be the Body!

We conclude a great series this Sunday with the message, “Be the Body.” We’ve moved from transaparency/authenticity to there are no perfect people to change, and now, BE THE BODY!  It works!  Bring your friend, your spouse, your co-workers, or a...

New Series Starts May 10

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!  This two-part series will help us all live life with a little more security…..begins May 10!  Start inviting right now!  It’s an un-missable series, for the times we are living in!  See you, and two others @...


Coolness or lack of it, has never been the catalyst that makes God move!  I’ve always been a renegade, not just being a part of something because everybody was, but sifting it through my own heart and doing what God led me to do.  Ladies and gentlemen, if you...

No Name Speakers

Question:  I wonder why we don’t book many speakers for conferences who are not “big-timers?  Joseph was a gifted leader and Christian who was on a journey and had not been publicly noticed, much.  He would be used mightily of God.  The leader that has...

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