Catalyst 2008 Notes

I’ll give you some good stuff each day.  An amazing conference this year! Andy Stanley Moral authority is an alignment of people seeing what you are saying.  In others words, it’s an alignment of creed and deed. There can’t be a difference in what...

Judgmental Pastors and People

I’m amazed at many of the pastors and people I meet that feel it is their calling to somehow “make” others do it God’s way!  Instead of saying, “Ok, I just shared with you what God’s plan can be for your life right out of the Word...


I notice in these new days of ministry, oftentimes, pastors, people, and staff alike, are so busy with innovation, technique, jet-setting to the next conference, stage sets, and “the next big thing” that many times forgotten are some of the most important...


When you track the prophets of old in the Bible, they were renegade, pioneer, transitional, long-term, and short-term.  Many of them were used to heal a church body, purge a church body, or grow a church body.  We don’t understand much about these concepts in...

Sen. Ted Kennedy

Sen. Kennedy has surgery today for a brain tumor.  He has assembled one of the best brain surgeons in the land at Duke University.  You know why?  The article says that he selected this surgeon because he is one of the “thought leaders” in his field.  I...

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