Welcome Guest Blogger Jeff Gonzalez

Jeff is a big part of what’s happening here at Origin Church.  Jeff is on our lead team and I thought I would let him share some note nuggets of a lunch meeting he and I had this week with our friend Ryan, who happens to have a great mind for the unchurched...

Continuing the Launch Journey This Week

Launch team meeting Wednesday Continue to look for financial partners We need $115K for launch equipment Meeting lots of new people Securing meeting location Finishing writing all systems Logo and branding just about complete Reading tons of material and books Taking...

The Launch of Anthem Church

God called me to pastor Tower Church in Gainesville, FL in October of 2004.  We had a large dream to reach the unreached people of Gainesville.  The dream was alive!  God went to work, oftentimes in different ways than I would have ever thought to achieve His...

Launch Meeting #2

Another great night as we gathered Increased 25% from meeting #1-  Woohoo God!  In the words of Tony Nolan, “Go God!” New families represented Lots of talent in the room Amazing leaders in the room We continue the launch phase-  creating “buzz”...

Launch Team Meeting

Tonight marks our second gathering for our growing launch team to get together in our home.  Exciting days!  Momentum is in the air.  Expectancy is rising.  The miraculous is happening.  Thank you for your...

Launch Phase Continues

It’s been a productive week in our launch phase: Nailed down our launch location  (TBA next week) Launch team is growing.  Gathering #2 next Wednesday Continuing to gather staff  (God is sending an A-Team) Continuing to pray for financial partners We are laying...

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