RSVP Today

We are ready!  Please reserve your FREE tickets to the launch of Origin Church on Sunday, April 5 @ 10:30 a.m. in downtown Ringgold, GA.  Go to our website at for a map and RSVP right here...

Our Last 7 Months

Our team has been on the road most Sundays visiting other church plants……….it has been a real treat!  I have never had the opportunity to be in so many different churches.  It’s really shown me that strategic evaluation should be a large system...

We Are Gearing Up

What we need to get ready for the launch of Origin Church, is about 100 more volunteers!  If you have interest, go here and sign up to help us somewhere for as short or long a time as is good for you.  Don’t you think it’s about time to use your...

The Final 60 Days

Our calendar timelines are being drawn, the purchase of portable products begins, the team is pulling all the pieces together, and we are getting ready…………………We still need a lot, but God knows!  I heard someone say, “If...


A good friend of mine once said when asked how you get over the tragic pains of this life, to which he replied, “T.I.M.E.”  No doubt about it.  If we have it available, it is a grand healer to us.  If it is not available, some healing goes undone.  One...

Launch Team Gets Better And Better

Thanks to my friend, Dr. Mark Womack, for sharing his giftedness with us tonight and leading our launch team through Spiritual Gifts.  What a difference this will make as everyone gets in their volunteer position to launch Origin Church!  We released the official...

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