The Faithful Continue

During challenging economic times, studies show that God’s people don’t really flinch and continue to “give,” oftentimes more than they were giving.  I think people, in general, begin to realize how quickly “it” can come and go and...

Giving To Your Church

Let’s make it simple.  We’re not discussing Old Testament tithing or New Testament giving, but just generosity, Jesus-style.  Are you doing this?  Think about it this way:  If every dollar in your paycheck is truly put there by God, then we must remember...

Francis Chan Thoughts

At Origin Church, we have set out on a major mission to have in our DNA, a culture of transparency and authenticity; one that allows people to come as they are, honestly, not hiding any of the challenges they or we face, and being loved all the same.  Francis Chan...

Faith in This Economy

Church giving and support should never go down, only up, regardless of the economy!  I am aware that it often does slip during economies like we’re experiencing, but we should actually step up and give more.  If we could learn the value of Malachi 3 where God...

% Giving

Many times, believers do not understand what it means for their personal lives and the Kingdom, for them to adopt a generous giving spirit in their lives, financially.  What we’re really saying is, start giving a % of your income to your local church!  Watch...

Robert Powell Wins Lottery

Robert Powell won over $12M dollars in the Florida lottery recently and took home $6M.  He was ready and prepared to drop $600,000 into the offering plate at his Baptist church in Florida, as a tithe, but the church refused it due to the fact that I assume they view...

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