Dave Ramsey on Practices

Dear Dave, As a Christian, I always give to my church. I was wondering if you think it’s okay to also give to local causes, such as animal shelters, scholarship funds and other things. Annie Dear Annie, Certainly, it’s okay. I think people should give to...

Launch Team Generosity

This goes out to our launch teamers and their GENEROSITY these 5 months!  Everybody is beginning to tithe and give, already, and this is the kind of culture of generosity this church will be founded upon.  I can tell you, God has special plans in store for you and...

Trying to Help

It’s been our pleasure this Christmas season at Origin Church to respond in generosity to a big need for a former Georgia State Highway Patrolman who lost his home two Sundays ago to a fire, while his family was attending church.  As we give, God lives more...

Shopping the Origin Catalog

We set out on this venture trusting and placing faith.  There are so many out there looking for a great place to invest in God’s work; this is ONE of them:  www.originchurchchristmas.com You can help us make a difference even though you might not be able to be...

Recession Proof Yourself

The word “famine” in Genesis 26 literally means “recession.”  They are all throughout the scripture.  During economic downturns, we do one of two things: We hide and hold, or we face and place ourselves in a position to be blessed.  This is not...

Re-evaluate During This Economic Challenge

We must learn to be seed conscious, not need conscious.  Everytime God gives you the opportunity to give, He is giving you and opportunity to increase your income.  (Matt. 13:3-8) You may be so far behind financially that you don’t believe it is possible to ever...

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