5 Days Away

We ask that you really pray for God to move and allow us an “easy yoke” this week.  Our team is very excited and the emotions in all of us are high, in many ways.  We have a number of needs as we come down this stretch.  If you are praying about or...


In planting a new church, I’ve discovered there are some common misconceptions worth “busting:” 1. Myth: Outside friends and organizations cover all expenses for the first couple of years. Fact: There are a few visionary families around the U.S. who...

A Generous Origin Church

I love the thought of developing a culture of generosity in our church.  There’s no doubt that God is calling us as Christ-followers to share what we have.  Sometimes that means giving to the local church, sometimes that means giving to the world’s poor...

Churches Be Encouraged!

A poor economy doesn’t always mean less cash for the collection plate, according to a study by the Christian research group Empty Tomb Inc., which found that in six recessions since 1968, donations by church members declined in three and increased in three.  God...

If you are 72.5 Years Old

If a person is 72.5 years old, they can no longer leave their money in an IRA without taking mandatory withdrawals.  They can give, without being taxed, directly from their IRA to the church up to $100K for the next two years. If you know someone, pass this word...

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