We Need $5,400

We are getting ready for a new chapter at Origin Church……a new partnership with the YMCA Hamilton Place Mall, Chattanooga.  Our first Sunday is April 11.  We really would love to be able to add some new environments and could use your help.  We have need...

Pray About This

I need to ask you that are a part of our launch team, to be faithful in the tithe.  God blesses a generous heart.  Secondly, if you are a part of this journey in any way, we need you to pray today!  We need an infusion of funding to move forward toward launch!!!! Ask...

2008 Origin Christmas Catalog

We have just gone “live” with our new Origin Church Christmas catalog as of last night….We need your help!  This catalog has every piece of equipment to help us launch Origin with excellence and it covers every environment: Babies, children, and...


One of the things church planters cannot do without are financial partners.  The new church has to be supported for several years from the outside, simply because the foundation takes 3-5 years to build.  It’s a pretty amazing journey in this area, because so...

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