Growing Healthy Churches (GHC)

Jeff and I are just returning from a monthly cluster of church planters who are all associated with GHC, San Francisco, CA. What a real and authentic organization!  Planters, they are first class!  They care about you, the planter.  Here’s an idea of how they...

Rick Warren on Planting!

Church Plants: 1.  When you are small, people dismiss you! 2.  When you grow, people discredit you! 3.  When you are larger,  people dislike you! 4.  When you get big, people defame you! LOVE...

Fear in Church Planting

I’ve always heard that FEAR is false evidence that appears real…..good definition for sure.  However, it doesn’t mean fear won’t jump up on you. The mind can default to fear at any moment.  Fear is never eradicated from our minds.  Again, our...

Ben Arment

Love this from Ben: Three Kinds of Jobs 1. You’re not in your sweet spot. You’re working to pay the bills and slightly miserable. You dream of better things, but can’t let go of the security (which isn’t really security) to go after your...

Overcoming Plateau

Double up your evangelism efforts. Break something.  People rally to chaos. Do something new. Add something. Go to school on someone just ahead of you. Get a coach. Invite in some secret shoppers. Pour yourself into your leaders. Major on affirmation.  We hugely under...

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