
This 8:04 second video clip from Hillside Christian Church in Amarillo, TX is IT!  This is the best example of transparency I’ve seen yet!  Aren’t we all tired of church being so fake, especially in the Bible Belt?  We must spread out the fabric of...

Removing Barriers

Ben Arment said some great things in one of his posts yesterday!  It’s worth repeating and so well said: Ainsley and I are passionate about reaching the unchurched and believe that a church’s culture determines who you reach.  This doesn’t mean you...

Tim McGraw Staging in Orlando

The set production and color at the concert was out of this world!  I can assure you of one thing: Just about every person in the building was engaged.  They lifted their hands like they were in a worship service, sang, stood, applauded, yelled, and cried.  No wonder...

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