It’s Real

Ed Young said, “Another level, a whole new devil.”  Good, huh?  If you step out in faith, trust, and test God to see what His response will be to your obedience, watch out!  Old sleufoot will aim a ton of guns at your life!  It’s real!  We got on the...

Must Read

The Power of Persistence I came across a fascinating study this week. Can’t stop thinking about it. Priscilla Blinco did a study involving Japanese and Americanfirst graders. She gave them a very difficult puzzle to solve. The American children lasted, on...


In talking to a friend this past week, I asked the question, “Why do we get a knot in our stomachs, why do we fear, why do we dread, why does that cramp come into our stomachs on various issues we are facing in life?”  He had a great response: Because we...


People are people and folk are folk, no matter what accent they may have, skin color, or nationality.  It’s an interesting study to realize that, IF, and He did, “create all of us in the image of God” then we have greatness inside-  We ALL do!  With...

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