Sunday News Past

Hot as hades on load in/load out.  What a crew of committed people.  Thank you! Environments looked great. Chip and his team in Family Ministry added some new things; a great day with some new kids back there. Worship was great with Jason Sartain.  You need to follow...

Monday Blahs and Blessings

With the buildup of a great first day of the week, Sundays, Mondays can be funny…….there’s a built-in blah that somehow goes alongside the spiritual high that developed the day before.  Mondays can be that way for some reason.  All over the world on...

John Cross

John Cross and I go back to 1992;  we basically started pastoring about the same time.  Johnny Hunt told me one day, “I’ve got a young pastor in Florida you need to meet.  You guys are a lot alike.”  It began a long friendship.  We’ve travelled...

Fear in Church Planting

I’ve always heard that FEAR is false evidence that appears real…..good definition for sure.  However, it doesn’t mean fear won’t jump up on you. The mind can default to fear at any moment.  Fear is never eradicated from our minds.  Again, our...

Rick Warren Prescription

Every time a new reformation has come, five renewals have preceded it. The awakening and reformation of the global church will begin with churches like yours. The same five renewals will precede this movement in your church. 1. Personal Renewal: It starts with the...

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