I Drive Your Truck

This Thanksgiving week, I want to pay attention to emotions, happy ones, sad ones, good ones, and not-so-good ones that are underneath the iceberg of our lives and create a person of growth, experience, and emotional intelligence. Ultimately, recognizing them needs to...

This Gypsy Life

Two things have inspired me this week: 1) Symbols and 2) Vince Gill! I know a few things for sure but not many. I know that friends, coaches, consultants, counselors, therapists, parents, pastors, songwriters, Bible, and environments help us live our life either...

I Have Some New Beliefs About Myself

Ian Crohn, lecturer and teacher of the Enneagram has a famous line, “what helped you in the morning of life constricts and kills you in the afternoon of life.” Everyone has a story…yours is still being written. True and enduring change can happen through your story...
Generational Curses

Generational Curses

I am very blessed to come from an immediate and extended family that has enjoyed “gathering” through the years on both sides-making memories, enjoying each other, extending lots of love, eating of course, and learning more and more about the generations gone by. Also,...
Stewarding Ourselves

Stewarding Ourselves

This word, “Steward,” has been on my mind for the last week and what does it mean? We’ve heard this word in reference to “being a good steward” as it relates to giving financial means back to our Lord, but what does “stewarding” connotate in relation to...

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