As of yesterday, Kim and I have been married for 19 years!  Our family has been entirely consumed with transition over the last 12 days, and all of a sudden we looked up and realized that it was July 22……………we laughed that we had let the day sneak up on us.  We took the girls to Panera Bread for lunch and grilled hamburgers last night and called it our anniversary celebration.  Why not, huh?  Marriage is, indeed, a partnership.  It has it’s good, it’s bad, and it’s ugly, but in the end there is a common denominator centered around love, family, and God.  I heard an older gentlemen one time say to his family sitting around the large table at Thanksgiving, “Look to your left and to your right because these are the people that will be with you all the way to the end of this life.”  I remember meeting Kim at the University of Georgia BSU on a Tuesday night, and somehow just “knew.”  I chased her, she avoided me for awhile, but then, finally.  We’ve had an amazing 19 year journey!

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