Mother Teresa’s secret was quite another: more robust, reliable, and real; born of the most powerful force in the universe–the only One to have faced death and overcome it forever. The God-man whose light shines still gentle and strong in our collective night.

She would tell us that we are each equipped by God to not only survive our personal Calcutta, but to serve there–to contribute to those around us whose personal night intersects our own. If she could face the worst of human suffering, all the while bearing her own pain, then we can do the same in the lesser Calcutta that is ours.

She has taught us the divine alchemy that turns our personal hardships into compassion for others, our lack of material goods into wealth of spirit, and, should it come to that, the loss of our standard of living into the chance to become what ease and abundance would never have allowed us to be.

Mother Teresa’s lessons will prepare us, as no political or economic programs can, to live through our trials with grace, and to turn them into blessings for others. If this simple, humanly un-extraordinary woman could have filled Calcutta’s slums with such love and energy and ingenuity, then we can learn to do the same in our life, no matter what may come.

The saints of today, like Mother Teresa, are sent for this same purpose. They are that small sliver of humanity, dipped in God, that still shines with his light. Their lives beckon us back, calling us to our senses and our source, as God called out to Adam after the Fall, “Where are you?” They reflect here and now the luminous face of our first parents, coming forth fresh from the hand of God.

Witnessing to this light in the midst of darkness would become the focus of Mother Teresa’s entire vocation. God sent her to “be his light” in Calcutta’s night.  -Washington Post

FYI-  So should we, regardless!  That’s us, Origin Church!  Be encouraged church planter, during a downturn in the economy….God has HIS own economy and will pay for what HE orders!  We are able to experience miracles we otherwise would not have experienced, because we are all in miracle territory!  That’s where they happen!

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