I love the thought of developing a culture of generosity in our church.  There’s no doubt that God is calling us as Christ-followers to share what we have.  Sometimes that means giving to the local church, sometimes that means giving to the world’s poor through incredible organizations around the world, and sometimes that means giving as a church toward strategic church initiatives around the country and around the world.

Before we even launched Origin, one of the written goals for the church was “a culture of generosity.” I want to be surrounded with people that see the world as bigger than themselves.

Kim and I decided a long time ago, from the beginning, that Church would be the number one financial priority for our family. I can’t ask anyone else to be generous if we don’t lead the way.  And you know what?  Sometimes it hurts. But God has been faithful and we have been blessed more than ever this past year by others being generous to us. It’s amazing what happens when you recognize that all you have came from God in the first place and trust him to take care of your financial future!

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