Unchurched Americans – defined in this survey as those who had not attended a church, mosque or synagogue in the past six months, except for religious holidays or special events – prefer churches that look more like a medieval cathedral over contemporary church buildings, according to a study conducted by LifeWay Research. Survey results, as reported at christianpost.com, showed that more than half of the unchurched said the design of a church building would impact their enjoyment of a visit to church. Twenty-two percent said the design of the church would strongly impact their enjoyment of the visit and 32 percent indicated it would have some impact. More than a third said it would have no impact whatsoever on their visit. In my opinion, methodically and architecturally, we need to stay sensitively tuned to be, do, and design whatever will remove the largest number of barriers that could keep many men, women, boys, and girls to cross the line of faith.