A church name is always a challenge when starting a new church. Our new church plant name is Origin Church. In searching out professional namers for world-wide corporations, I found several thoughts about what a name should be:
1. It should stand out.
2. It should be appropriately descriptive.
3. It should be easy to explain and understand.
4. It should be available.
Here is the philosopy of why we like Origin: It is a noun that is something from which anything arises or is derived; source; fountainhead; the first stage of existence, a beginning point. As a synonym, or similar, it means root and lineage. As an antonym, or opposite, it means destination, or end. For us, as we launch a new church, the combination of all these thoughts results in the thought that for those far away from God, disconnected from God, and dislike the thought of church, Origin is a word that is catchy and could easily have an association like this: Origin Church…..It all begins and ends right here.