Let’s make it simple.  We’re not discussing Old Testament tithing or New Testament giving, but just generosity, Jesus-style.  Are you doing this?  Think about it this way:  If every dollar in your paycheck is truly put there by God, then we must remember that He has set up a spiritual economy for us.  Here it is:  Give-Save-Live!  If you have 10, $1 bills fanned out in your hands, it would probably be a good idea to give one of those $1 bills to Jesus, don’t you think?  Secondly, it is also a good idea to save one of those dollars for the future preservation of your family.  Thirdly, God has set it up so you and I get to live on the rest of those 8, $1 bills.  Wow, what a great God!  He’s so generous!  “God, you’ve been so kind;  We get 8 and you get 1?  No, Lord, I want to give you one more.  That’s not fair for you to only get one.  You take two instead of one.  You’ve been so good to me!”  Watch God set you up for blessing when you obey Him in this act of generosity.  It begins with giving to a local church.  Andy Stanley puts it this way; “When you practice this principle, you won’t have fear.”  We hope that the middle-name of our Origin Church people will be, generosity!

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