I heard a great message this past Sunday on “Angels.” It was a great reminder of how covered we are as planters and believers. The followers of Christ can expect the backup of God through angels. When we wonder how and where the funding will come from, remember that God uses people to intervene for us to meet our need. They are the angels. Sure, it’s really God who provides, but He utilizes us to be the answer in other lives. I wonder how many angels are just waiting for an assignment to you? You must speak up! Pastor Mike Patz paralleled the movie “The Chronicles of Narnia” and referred to the “wardrobe” area as the place that helped the two worlds collide. It was the connecting point. What if you could see, visibly, the build-up of angels, maybe 10 or 20, that literally surround you when you encounter a situation, a challenge, or a person? God expects you to be the “wardrobe,” that connection point. In other words, you may need to speak up next time about the love of God to someone. Angels minister to us so we can go minister to the world and God gets the glory. If angels are gong to be dispatched, you must step out into the “wardrobe” room; step out of the boat like Peter; step out like Joshua, because “Greater is He that is in us, than he that is in this world.” Richard Harris reminded me yesterday, “What do any of us ever do that matters for eternity that does not flow out of faith?” What about you? Is your place of work a comfort zone? Is God calling you to something new? Is God asking you to give a gift? Are you weighing your answer based on what you see, or are you weighing what God has for you based on what He has put in your heart, regardless if you see it or even understand it? Act as if you have received the answer you have been praying for and step out in the same way, and watch what happens!