• Getting into Mark Batterson’s new book, “Wild Goose Chase.”  It’s right where I want to live
  • We are making great progress in launching Origin Church
  • Great launch meeting #3 last night
  • Consulting for Impac Services for the next two weeks-  If you need funds raised for your ministry, don’t miss out on Bill Price and the gang
  • Thrilled to know we have some staffing coming together
  • We have some great comraderie going among our launch team members
  • We feel the favor of God on this new church
  • We also notice the enemy attacking from every angle- I think everything we own has broken down or has broken since we moved
  • Had a great family time with all our gang tailgating at UGA-Central Michigan game last Saturday  (great to have Ethan Parker with us)
  • Working on our Origin Church calendar leading up to launch
  • We covet your prayers
  • Waiting on some possible church partners to give us the word that they will be coming on board with us financially
  • We have a unique DNA developing each week at Origin Church

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