Joel, as you know, is the lead pastor of the largest church in America, Lakewood Church.  I remember becoming a watcher of his dad, John Osteen, back in the early 90’s when I came across his service one night on television.  I was impressed with the excellence of the camera work, stage setting, and the love for people and God that John seemed to convey in his preaching.  I remember sitting with a hero and mentor friend of mine, Ed Young Sr., at breakfast some years ago, and we were talking about John and the Osteens and their impact around the world.  I gleaned in listening, then, from Dr. Young, that the Osteens were great people.

When John Osteen died, I was very touched and moved by his passing.  I ordered a copy of the funeral service on video and was even more inspired…very, very touching!  I’ve followed their ministry ever since. 

I want to cast a little bit of light on the critical tones out there toward Joel.  I don’t know Joel and have never met Joel, but in our souls, as believers, is a spirit that lives, and bears witness, yes or no, everyday of our lives regarding many choices, decisions, and people that cross our paths. 

My sense is, he’s the real deal!  He loves people, loves God, and loves his family!  Here’s a guy that was minding his own business in T.V. Production, helping to make his dad’s influence and impact even greater around the world, and his dad one day asks him to preach for him while he’s out of the pulpit.  Joel never wanted to be a pastor.  Neither did I.  We’ve often heard, “If you can do anything else in life and be happy doing it, do it.”  I tried and so did Joel.  I couldn’t and he couldn’t.  God works this way.

Now, I’ve heard all the criticisms about his omisisons in preaching, etc.  Let me ask you to think on these things:

  • Why do any of us drill down so deep into any persons motives to judge them?  We don’t have that luxury.  Basically, we can’t really know any person that well.  Only God.
  • Many of us have taught and preached in ways that convey so much of what we are against, that preaching on grace and mercy has seemed foreign to us when we hear it.  Joel has helped us all resurrect the love of Jesus Christ in our preaching and teaching.  It’s obvious that so many are hungry to hear about the love, mercy, and grace of God. 
  • Joel would tell you that he doesn’t know everything.  He’s still learning.  We all are.  Nobody has God figured out or the BEST way to communicate His truths.
  • Give any person the benefit of the doubt.  Just because they don’t do it the way you would do it, doesn’t mean their way doesn’t have some substance and value in the kingdom.
  • Joel has called us to memorize the scripture and recall what God has said about us.  This has personally helped me a ton.  Everyday, I need to remind myself through some challenging days that, “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me,”  or that “I am an overcomer.”
  • Embrace every good thing about Joel!  You and I don’t agree with everything our spouse, children, or extended family does.  Why would you think that to have fellowship and friendship with Joel, you would need to agree on everything?  What we do is become the “gospel patrol, arresting officer, convicting jury, and sentencing judge” toward anyone we deem necessary and it is causing many people to nullify the love that God through Jesus meant for us to have.
  • He’s doing what he knows to do based on his gift-mix, his God-given personality, and his love and understanding of God.  Can we preachers and teachers get stuck in one gear?  Sure!  We all lean toward our ease, but if we all continue to learn, grow, communicate better, etc., then we’re in good shape.   
  • In the army of the Lord, we all have a specialty, a lane, and a green-beret starting-team position.  Some are guards, some are quarterbacks, some are pinch-hitters.  Joel is a specialist; he’s an encourager, a builder up of the body, and a reminder to us of all the positive scripture God wrote about us.  He runs in his lane very, very well!  He’s a humble servant and he’s real! People love him.

Let him run!  You run in your lane and I’ll run in mine.  We are ALL different; we are ALL great at something!  In some particular area, you are the best there is….what is that?

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