The process has begun to gather our launch team!  It’s exciting to see God at work.

  • Had a great meeting with a good friend about his involvement on Wednesday.  He’s very gifted and talented.  He and his wife are joining the launch team.
  • Had another great meeting on Thursday with a potential staff member in Chattanooga.  It’s amazing to see what God has been preparing him for.  It’s almost scary to hear his plea to God, and to watch our obedience answer. 
  • Got another family dear to ours in Louisiana who feel a calling to join our launch team at some point in the near future. 
  • Talked to my good friend John Buckner, who will head up the music production for us.  His band of musicians, the Buckner Brothers are excited about partnering with Origin.  These guys are professionals….they can get ‘r dun.  A “get well” to John; he broke his leg Sunday.
  • Took another look at our potential launch site.  It’s beautiful and has character.  I think it will work.
  • Looked for office space this week.
  • So much to do, and so much to enjoy.

Pretty amazing stuff!  God has some kind of agenda for us in this new launch and I can’t wait to find out what.  Although, you know how God is, He will only show you so much at a time.  However, we couldn’t digest it all if we knew it. 

One of the things I like about the launch team strategy we are assembling is, you don’t have to leave your church to be a part.  We plan on launching on Sunday nights at 6, and in the beginning, we will meet two Sundays a month.  First of all, this allows us to borrow members from other churches for a 6-18 month period, to come as volunteers, who would like to get on mission while they stay committed to their home church.  Secondly, it allows our volunteer base to grow, thereby not burning anyone out.  Thirdly, it also allows us to harness momentum.  We can re-gather momentum everytime we add a service, change to a morning worship, and launch all over again full-time at some juncture in the future.  Finally, it allows our launch team families and children the opportunity to be a part of a local church and having a stable connection while we add new environments, ministries, and get to critical mass. 

Join our launch team today!  You may in the area, or you may be reading this and feel you need to relocate to be a part.  You come on too!  Click here.

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