In the life of church planting, having all 3 are a bonus!  A “Parent” partner is a financial partner that gives a substantial amount of funding and literally gives as if the planter & staff were a paid staff member of their organizaiton.  This could be a church, a person, or a business owner.  This provides a window of about 3 years for the staff to get the church to a decent stability.  Additionally, it allows the staff to concentrate on the mission without worry regarding the well-being of their family and the future of the ministry.  A “Grandparent” partner also partners financially but has a lesser financial investment.  Finally, a “Godparent” role is that of a minimal amount of provided funding, if any, but an organization or person who wants to help either through prayer or labor.  ALL three are equally important and a real description of the variety of Biblical gifting: “To whom much is given, much is required.”  An additional few items that I see any church can provide are:

  1. Individual people as members on loan to help launch for a few months
  2. group of people sent in to the town for a one, two, or three-day mission opportunity
  3. An embracing of the new staff and church as teammates and family
  4. A special time set aside as a church body to commission through a simple prayer time
  5. Provide temporary offices for the new team if in close proximity
  6. Levearge their membership to help new plant acquire necessary equipment.  Some members are in specific and distinct businesses that know people who would like to partner by providing equipment
  7. Names of prayer partners from their church body

A new team of planters needs to feel connected in more than one place, they need to feel loved by a group of believers who are rallying behind them, and must have the necessary financial support to make it all happen.  Needed at Origin Church:  Parents, Grandparents, Godparents!  Partner with us!

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