Go to: http://www.northpoint.org/messages and scroll through until you get to “The Man I Want to Be.” Listen or watch Sean Seay bring a great message for men. Here are the highlights……..
- Life seems to be getting in the way of my dreams.
- Every man wants to be a hero to someone.
- Every man really wants to be the man God wants them to be.
- Every man really wants to be what his woman needs him to be.
- It’s in every man’s heart to be the man his children need him to be.
These things are never going away, because God put them there.
- You (Ladies) need to know that the man in your life, is under attack- temptation is on every single day. “You’re working hard, come on over here and enjoy yourself for a little while.”
Joshua 24: 1, 14-15
- Men like to have options
- Joshua then says, “I’m going first.”
- Choose to serve God wholeheartedly. When men get it right, everybody gets blessed.
Most men make a living instead of making a difference.
1. Life begins when we trust Jesus Christ as Savior.
- Don’t try to become the man God wants you to be by yourself.
- You need to make the decision to pray with your wife. You can’t have the marriage you want to have if you don’t pray together. “I know I’m goofing stuff up as a husband/wife, but we gotta pray together.”
Guys, you gotta lead- go first like Joshua.